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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Forex Robots Real Time Results - The Best in Terms of Verified Results

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If you are buying a Forex robot, you need to make sure its made real dollars in the market and you also need to ensure, that these figures are verified by a neutral source. Never take the word of the vendor - there selling the system! Here we will look at the Turtle Forex robot's real time results which show its made millions in real time trading, lets look at the robot in more detail.

Most Forex robots are designed by programmers not traders. Check out most and you can never find any background to where they worked and what they achieved in reputable sources. The Turtle Forex robot is different, its based on rules devised by a true trading legend Richard Dennis and the results these rules produced, piled up hundreds of millions of dollars in the most famous trading experiment of all time.

Most robots simulate results going backwards over past data or they produce live results from themselves which are not actually real time and they come from them so should be treated with caution. Richard Dennis devised the turtle rules and they were used one of the most famous trading experiments of all time. He gave the rules to a group of novice traders, explained how and why they worked and set them up with funded trading accounts. They traded and the rest is history, as they made several hundred million dollars in real time trading.

Dennis had set out to prove, anyone could make money with the right rules and confidence in them and he was of course proved right. The experiment was featured heavily in the international press, the figures were audited and the story featured in Market Wizards, one of the best selling trading books of all time.

These rules are now available in the net Turtle Forex trading robot and allow users to target triple digit gains taking just 2% risk per trade. You can read the logic of how and why the system works before buying it and see the exact rules its based on to give you confidence in its ability to make you money.

There are a huge number of robots on sale but most rely on hype to sell them and they have no verified results but the Turtle robot does and its based on rules of a real trader. Take a look at it for yourself and see, how it can help you enjoy long term Forex trading success.


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