REVIEW: Last weeks I was getting huge number of requests from my fellow traders to review this system. Finally I decided to take my time and make a review of Forex Funnel, new expert advisor. Website design is "huge" again and I guess it is the second project from the creators of the Forex Tracer EA.
After some research and investigation I found out that Forex Funnel is playing some kind of Martingale Game. Martingale is a casino roulette strategy where you double a losing bet each time. First you bet $1, if lost then bet $2, then $4, $8, $16, $32 etc untill you win or run out of money. The plus of such strategy is that you will propably win in most cases. The minus is that you need really HUGE CAPITAL to play
Of course I dont know the algorithm of the EA but these numbers look like martingale to me.
On the one hand I can't call Forex Funnel Scam. Martingale strategy was created a long time ago and Forex Funnell creators are not the first and the last people who use it in forex trading. Also the "perfect line" backtest image on their website is not fake. On the other hand the creators "forgot" to tell you that to start using it you will need at least 100K (!!) of starting capital. I guess most of us don't have or are not ready to risk such huge capitall in a simple martingale game. The bottom line is that even with such huge capital the drawdowns are too high (Over 81K drawdown on 100K account!!) and the profit is poor (only 340% in 8 years) compared to other EAs. Take a look at my investigation here:
Forex Funnel review
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