Static an be drawn with straight Horizontal by examine the whole price in Multi Time Frame. And the Dynamic can be drawn by using Pivot, Fibonacci, or Indicators (ex: Bollinger Bands, Moving Average, or even Specific Moving Support Resistance custom Indicator)
Which one is the better one? All is good and depend on your trading strategy. It also good to combine them. Shorter time frame for short term trading should use the dynamic SR.

I will explain more in static SR which I always used in my trading.
In my experience, Static SR usually happend from the past price level and will repeat in the future. For example:
Bold Lines are Major/Strong SR Lines, which bigger probability that price will retrace or breakout those lines.
Thin lines are minor SR Lines, which it still on the test to be the strong SR Lines.
How did I draw those lines?
Use all your Time Frames, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, H4, and H1
1. look at your Monthly Chart, find the point where price were bounced. Draw the lines at the rounded price (ex: 1.3500, 1.4100)
2. Change to Weekly Chart, do the same thing with step 1, but also do the fine tune the lines you have drwn from step 1
3. Change to Daily Chart. Examine all lines you have drawn and test them with past data. The valid lines should be the valid for all price movement in the past until current.
4. Change to H4. do the same thing with above steps, but now fine tune to something like 1.3250, 1.4120. Add more lines if you think the price were bounce off.
5. Change to H1, do the same thing like step 4.
6. You have your static SR lines.
For suppose in the present time you find a new lines, mark them with thin line and test those lines by examine each price movements everyday until you are satisfied and sure enough that the lines is a good SR Lines.
You will find that the lines you have drawn is also agreed by Fibonacci 38.2, 50, and 68.1. The more lines agreed by Fibonacci, the stronger the SR Lines.
Yes, I am live trading with my SR lines. But I treat them to be my "the guardian" lines. In my EURUSD above you will find that 1.4000, 1.3300 are very strong SR Lines. I got many profits from those lines. At the moment, EURUSD are still playing around 1.4000.
By this special double or triple 0, you can also apply Kathy Lien's OO strategy.
Hope these can answer your questions.
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